This agreement is signed by you and Changsha rich bamboo network technology co., LTD. This agreement will help you to understand the services we provide for you and your rights and obligations. Please read them carefully. We have barcoded the most important terms to give you special attention.

For the convenience of your use of Swift Transfer-Phone File, if you click on or otherwise confirm this Agreement, you shall be deemed to have fully read and understood all the terms of this Agreement and agree to enter into this Agreement with Swift Transfer-Phone File and be bound by this Agreement. If you are under 18 years of age, please read this Agreement with legal custody and pay special attention to the Terms of Use.

If you agree to subject to this agreement, please contact us or partners (, so that we or partners to explain and explain for you, so that you can fully understand, to help you decide whether to accept this agreement and whether to use us and specify the partner services.


1. definition

Unless otherwise indicated in context, the following terms in this Agreement have the following meanings:

1.1 Personal information: refers to any information recorded in electronic or other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or combine the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person.

1.2 Information subject: refers to the natural person who produces personal information and enjoys the rights to personal information.

1.3 Processing: refers to the operation of personal information in an automated or manual manner, including input, storage, editing, retrieval, change, supplement, deletion, and other operations, regardless of whether the operation is automated or not.

1.4 Use: refers to the use of personal information within the purpose, disclosure, disclosure, secondary development, transmission, etc.

1.5 Express consent: The subject of personal information makes positive actions through written statement or active initiative, including the subject of personal information actively check, actively click "agree", "register", "send", "dial", etc.

1.6 Authorization: refers to any specified, specific, informed and explicit instructions voluntarily made by the information subject in accordance with its will. Such instructions given through declarations or clear affirmative actions mean that the personal data associated with it is processed. The authorization form includes paper power or authorization or electronic authorization.

1.7 Anonymization: On the premise of ensuring the legal source of the data, the personal data does not point to the specific data subject without using additional information. This process stores the personal data and other additional information separately, and makes the personal data unable to point to an identified and identified natural person due to the technical means.

2. Scope of agreement

2.1 This clause is an agreement between the user as "You" and "Changsha Yu Information Technology Co., Ltd. (the Company)" regarding the users use of the product."User" means the individual or organization registering, logging in and using the product; "Other User" means including users of other company related products and related users of the product.

2.2 This Service refers to the services provided to you by the Products under this Agreement, including transferring documents, receiving documents, etc. We will continue to enrich the terminals and forms of your use of the Service, and this Agreement will automatically apply to your use of all versions of the software and services.

2.3 The ownership and full use right of the products providing the service shall belong to the company. After opening, you are only authorize to use part of the functions, and the details shall be subject to the product display.

2.4 The contents of this Agreement shall include the text of this Agreement and all privacy policies, policies, rules, statements, notices, warnings, tips and explanations that we have issued or may be issued in the future (hereinafter referred to as the "User Rules"). The foregoing user rules are an integral supplementary part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as this Agreement. If you use the companys products and services, you are deemed to agree to the above supplement.

3. Service rules

3.1. Content of the services

Service content refers to the auxiliary tools provided by the Company to users (hereinafter referred to as "Swift Transfer-Phone File"), and provides users with software licenses and services ("the Service") including but not limited to relationship chain expansion, convenient tools or other software or hardware information exchange.

3.2 Form of service

3.2.1 You need to download the Swift Transfer-Phone File software, for which the company gives you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license. You may use these software and services only for the purpose of accessing or using the Service.

3.3 Scope of this service license

3.3.1 The Company grants you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the Software. You can install, use, display, and run this software on a single terminal device for commercial purposes.

3.3.2 You may copy one copy of this software for the purposes of using this software and services for backup only. The backup copy must contain all the copyright information contained in the original software.

3.3.3 All other rights not expressly authorized in this Article and other terms hereof shall remain reserved by the Company, and you shall obtain additional written permission from the Company, and the exercise of any of the foregoing rights shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.




4. Software for updates

4.1 In order to improve the user experience and improve the service content, the company will continue to develop new services and provide you with software updates from time to time (these updates may take the form of software replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.).

4.2 In order to ensure the security and functional consistency of the software and services, the Company has the right to update the software without special notice to you, or to change or restrict some of the functional effects of the software.

4.3 After the new version of this software is released, the old version of the software may not be available. The company does not guarantee that the old version of the software will remain available and the corresponding customer service, please check and download the latest version at any time.

5. Protection of the users personal information

5.1 Protection of users personal information is a basic principle of the company, and the company will take reasonable measures to protect the users personal information. Except for the circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations, the company will not disclose the personal information of the users to a third party without the permission of the user. The companys relevant information adopts professional encryption storage and transmission mode to ensure the security of users personal information.

5.2 In the process of registering an account or using the service, you need to provide some necessary information. For example, in order to provide your account registration service, you need to fill in your mobile phone number. If there are special provisions in national laws, regulations or policies, you need to provide real identity information. If the information you provide is incomplete, you cannot use the Service or will be restricted during its use.

5.3 Generally, you can browse and modify your submitted information at any time, but for security and identification (such as number complaint service), you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided during registration.

5.4 The company will use a variety of security techniques and procedures to establish a sound management system to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

5.5 Without your consent, the Company will not disclose your personal information to any company, organization or individual other than the Company, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

5.6 The company attaches great importance to the protection of minors personal information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the written consent of your parents or legal guardian before using the services of the companys products.

5.7 You can also read the Swift Transfer-Phone File Privacy Policy to further understand how Swift Transfer-Phone File collects, uses, stores and protects your personal information and what rights you have.

6. Code of user behavior

6.1 Specification of information content

6.1.1 the information mentioned in this article refers to the user using the software and the service process made, copy, release, dissemination of any content, including but not limited to, registration information such as name, user, or send files, folders, pictures, audio, video, friends, video and related links page, and other use product account or the software and services.

6.1.2 You understand and agree that this product has always been committed to providing users with a civilized, healthy, standardized and orderly network environment. You shall not use the product account or the software and services to produce, copy, publish or distribute the contents as follows, or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties, including but not limited to: Release, transmit, disseminate and store contents prohibited by national laws and regulations:

(1) Violating the basic principles defined in the Constitution;

(2) endangering state security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power or undermining national unity;

(3) Damto the national honor and interests:

(4) inciting ethnic hatred or discrimination or destroying ethnic unity;

(5) undermining state religious policies or promoting evil cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) spreading rumors, disturbing social order or undermining social stability;

(7) spreading filth, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or abetting crimes;

(8) insulting or defaming others, or infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of others;

(9) inciting illegal gatherings, association, parades, demonstrations or gathering people to disturb public order;

(10) Activities conducted in the name of an illegal non-governmental organization;

(11) Failing to meet the Interim Provisions on the Development and Management of Public Information Services of Instant Tools and complying with the "seven bottom lines" requirements of laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, legitimate interests of citizens, public order, social morality and fashion, and information authenticity;

(12) containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations. Release, transmit, disseminate and store the contents that infringe upon others rights of reputation, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legal rights; Involving the privacy, personal information or data of others; Publishing, transmitting or disseminating harassment, advertising information, excessive marketing information and spam information or containing any sexual or sexual suggestion; Other information that violates laws, regulations, policies, public order and good customs, social ethics or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

6.2 Software usage specification

6.2.1 Unless permitted by law or approved by the Company, you shall not engage in the use of the Software: Delete the information about the copyright on the software and its copies; Reverse engineering, reverse assembly, reverse compiling of the software, or try to discover the source code of the software in other ways; Use, lease, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish and establish mirror sites for the content owned by the intellectual property rights of the company; Copy, modify, add, delete, delete the interaction data between the software and the customer service side and the server side during the operation of the software, and the system data necessary for the operation of the software or create any derivative works; Add, delete or change the functions or operation effect of the software by modifying or forging the instructions and data in the operation of the software, or operate or disseminate the software or methods used for the above purposes to the public, whether these acts are commercial purposes or not; The software interferes with the software, its components, modules and data by itself or by authorized others; Other acts without express authorization of the Company.

6.2.2 You understand and agree that, the Company has the right to select the object of the service, the function setting and the object and scope of the data disclosure based on the user experience or the operation safety of the relevant service platform, the requirements of the platform rules and the healthy development. For the following circumstances, have the right to provide the Service according to the specific circumstances, including but not limited to; Violation of laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement; Affect the service experience: With potential safety risks; Similar to the existing main functions or functional components of the product, or can realize the main utility of the above functions or functional components; Interface, style, function, description or user experience similar to the product or its service platform that may cause the user to consider the function or the service source company or authorized by the Company: Violating the operation principles of the product or its service platform, or not meeting other management requirements of the company.

6.3 Service and operation standards

Unless permitted by law or permitted in writing by the Company, you may not engage in the use of the Services if:

6.3.1 Submit, release false information, or impersonate or use the name of others:

6.3.2 Inducing other users to click on the link page or share the information:

6.3.3 Making facts, concealing direct facts to mislead or deceive others:

6.3.4 Infringing upon the rights of others reputation, including image rights, intellectual property rights, business secrets and other legal rights

6.3.5 Using the product account and any function or the third-party operating platform for promotion or promoting each other without the written permission of the Company;

6.3.6 Engaged in any illegal or criminal activities by using the product account or the software and services:

6.3.7 Make and publish methods or tools related to the above behaviors, or operate or disseminate such methods or tools, whether they are for commercial purposes or not;

6.3.8 The product shall not be used on the basis of including but not limited to group control and virtual positioning.

6.3.9 Other acts that violate laws and regulations, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of the product or have without express authorization of the product.

6.4 Be responsible for your own actions

You fully understand and agree that you must be responsible for all actions under your registered account, including any content published, and any consequences arising therefrom, you shall judge the contents of the Service and bear all risks arising from the use of the contents, including reliance on the correctness, integrity or practicality, and the Company cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the foregoing risks.

6.5 Handling of breach of contract

6.5.1 If the Company finds or receives reports or complaints from others that users violate the provisions of this Agreement, the Company shall have the right to at any time without warning, restrict or prohibit the use of some or all functions, ban or cancel the account, and announce the processing result.

6.5.2 You understand and agree that the Company shall have the right to punish violations violating relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement, take appropriate legal action against any user who violates the law and report relevant information to relevant departments according to laws and regulations, and the user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

6.5.3 You understand and agree that you shall be independently liable for any claim claimed or claimed by a third party because of your violation of this Agreement or the relevant terms of Service: you shall also compensate for the loss.

7. Intellectual Property Rights Declaration

7.1 The Company is the intellectual property right holder of the Software. All software copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, and all information related to the software (including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, charts, charts, interface design, layout frame, relevant data or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and the corresponding international treaties, the intellectual property rights, except the relevant rights in accordance with the law.

7.2 Without the written consent of the Company or the relevant right holders, you may not implement, utilize or transfer the above intellectual property rights by any third party for any commercial or non-commercial purposes.

7.3 All the content uploaded and published by you during the use of the software and the service will not transfer the intellectual property rights, portrait rights and other rights due to the uploading and publishing behavior.

VIII. Terminal security responsibility

8.1 You understand and agree that this software, like most Internet software, may be affected by various factors, including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment; may also be affected by various security issues, including but not limited to illegal use of user data for real harassment; other software downloaded or other websites may contain viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, threaten the security of your terminal equipment information and data, and thus affect the normal use of this software. Therefore, you should strengthen the awareness of information security and personal information protection, and pay attention to password protection to avoid loss.

8.2 You shall not make, publish, use or spread malicious programs used to steal company accounts and other peoples personal information and property.

8.3 It is the joint responsibility of the company and you. The company will take reasonable and prudent technical measures to protect the security of your terminal equipment information and data in accordance with industry standards, however. However, you recognize and agree that the company cannot provide complete guarantee.

8.4 Under no circumstances, you should not trust the loan, ask for a password or other Internet information about property.

Nine, other

9.1 If you use this Software, you shall be deemed to have read and agree to be bound by this Agreement. The Company has the right to amend the terms of this Agreement if necessary. You can check the terms of the agreement in the latest version of this software. After the terms of this Agreement change, if you continue to use the Software, it shall be deemed that you have accepted the modified Agreement. If you do not accept the modified agreement, you should stop using this software.

9.2 This Agreement is signed in Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, the Peoples Republic of China.

9.3 The establishment, entry, effect, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the mainland laws of the Peoples Republic of China (excluding the conflict Law).

9.4 Any dispute or dispute between you and the Company shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of the peoples court with jurisdiction where this Agreement is signed.

9.5 The headings of all the terms of this Agreement are only for the convenience of reading, and they have no actual meaning in themselves, and shall not be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.

9.6 This Agreement may be a version of many languages, including Chinese and English. If there is any conflict between the Chinese version and other languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.

9.7 The terms of this Agreement shall be partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, and the remaining terms shall remain valid and binding on both parties.